
I have been in business now for two years and enjoy every minute of it. I will be the first to admit that some sides of the business I knew nothing about. Web site design and social media were two that stood out like a sore thumb. So the only thing I could do was look for support by employing someone to help.

The web site was the first thing to sort out I asked around friends and I was guided to a man that came highly recommended. I invited him round and we sat down and outlined what I wanted and he outlined what the best route to take. He left and that was the last I ever saw of him he just disappeared off the face of the earth. I was explaining what happened to a friend and she said she knew someone who could help. Again I met up outlined the plan and at least he did not disappear but it became obvious that he was going to be unable to give me what I needed. So off I went again I found two companies who gave me a £14k and £7k quotes and so I had to think long and hard if I wanted to spend such a large proportion of my savings on a web site. Whilst I was deliberating I was contacted by a man who told me he could make me a web site for £800 and he came heavily qualified and with good references. So again another meeting a hand shake and I was off. The web site was live in two weeks and I was so excited to see it. Unfortunately it had major flaws and after 8 months of cash stress tears I decided I had to learn to do it myself which now I do. All the stock entering all the admin all the web site work. At first it seemed like a foreign language I just could not understand any of it but with the help of you tube I managed to learn more and more day after day.

People kept telling me how important social media was to a business but I did not know how to work social media or even what social media was out there. So yet again I set out to find someone to help. Meetings after meetings and finally I had a social media company on board. I had to take a deep breath when I had the quote £20 per hour and I needed at least 10 hours a week if not 15 hours. I had no choice but to accept the quote and hope that I would be able to learn how to do it myself and phase the company out. The first month nothing happened and my direct debit went out none the less obviously I was concerned so I phoned the company to be told they had been working on it doing all the setting up of accounts.They told me that I would see the results next month. Well my relationship with the company was very luke warm and after having my blog shut down due to the company in question making a huge mistake I decided enough was enough and I now do all the social media myself.

This brings me to the question of trust when you set up a business it is a dream for it to succeed alot of people plough vast sums of money into the venture sometimes lending way more than they can ever afford to pay back and there are alot of companies you will come across who just want to strip you of every spare penny you have do very little work for it and then leave you high and dry when times get a bit tough.

I have learnt so much in such a little time and I am proud as punch of what I have achieved there are some days when I do pat myself on the back.

Written by Emma Patricia Jones.



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